8nvl7Z8tThecHiq5PvfTzZSoK-M Download Adobe Flash Player 11.7.700.141 Beta ~ FREE TECH PORTAL

Monday 15 July 2013

Adobe Flash Player Standalone Installer Free Download

When you browse in internet without Google Chrome web browser like Internet Explorer orMozila Firefox then you can face some problem like you can't see any video or any kind of flash banner, because this kind of animated banner or media content are presented in flash form. This is also applicable for many flash games and flash animation.

So, for running many games, animations, and other media application content you must need install Adobe Flash Player in your OS, browsers, mobile phones and devices.

In Google Chrome browser Adobe Flash Player includes by built-in. Google Chrome will automatically update Adobe Flash Player when new versions are available.

Adobe® Flash® Player give you a powerfull digital experiences with new features for viewing of expressive rich internet applications, content, and videos across devices. This Flash Player 11.7.700.141 beta is a devloper pre-release version, what provides to access the Flash Player 11.5 runtime for Mac OS and Windows desktop environments.

What's New:
* Packaging multiple libraries in an ANE (iOS)
* Debug stack trace in release builds of Flash Player
* Statically link DRM (Desktop only)
* Invoke Event enhancement (for openurl)
* Multiple SWF support (iOS)

Fixed Issues in This Version:
  • Background Audio in Android doesnt work(3319954)
  • A full screen application cannot be developed for iPhone 5. Default-568h@2x launch image can now be used to display a full screen app on iPhone5. (3331707)
  • Unable to package an application using an ANE on iOS, which doesn't not implement the finalizer function. (3321073)
  • Packaging fails with null pointer exception, when packaging an IPA using only the default implementation in the ANE on iOS. (3323233)
  • Geolocation permission dialog doesn't show up on iOS 6 device and App doesn't get listed in Settings->Privacy->Locations services. (3296870)
  • Database data is wiped out for every launch on iOS Simulator. (3329307)
  • WIFi Debugging on iOS :Debugging on iOS does not work when network interface is chosen as "Default" for Player Target AIR3.4 (3320979)
  • DisplayObject fails to render when changing rotationY on iOS6 device in GPU renderMode. (3320080)
  • When an app having aspectRatio Landscape and autoOrients "false" is packaged with iOS 6 SDK and run on an iOS 6 device, the launch
  • image shows 90 degree rotation. (3321294)
  • If auto orients =false and aspect ratio=landscape,App launches in landscape mode but stage launches in portrait mode, on packaging with iOS 6 SDK. (3317345)


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