8nvl7Z8tThecHiq5PvfTzZSoK-M 7 Recommended Softwares for Gaming Freaks ~ FREE TECH PORTAL

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Direct X:

direct X 7 Recommended Softwares for Gaming Freaks
This software plays a pivotal role in improving the gaming experience to a great extent. This has been the oldest gaming software in the market. This has been an inseparable part of a wide range of games. The minimum configuration requirements of majority of games in the market demand this software. These days, most of the games come with Direct X installed in their pack, so the gamer not having the new version of Direct X can easily install it while downloading the game.

Visual C++

Visual C++ Logo 184x184 7 Recommended Softwares for Gaming Freaks
This software is usually required for the games that are made with visual C++ program. Most of the games available in the market today are developed using Visual C++, so this software finds an important place in our list as one of the most important software for gaming freaks.

Game Booster:

Game booster 7 Recommended Softwares for Gaming Freaks
Another innovation of the gaming world, Game Booster is responsible to provide the gamer with an explicit and unmatchable gaming experience by disabling the other applications running simultaneously in the computer. This facilitates the transfer of more space to the game being played and improves the speed of the game.


fraps 7 Recommended Softwares for Gaming Freaks
This soft ware works as screen snapping software. It’s responsible for providing good quality screenshots to the user along with an extraordinary video recording quality. It forms an important place in today’s gaming arena, so it must be tried by every gaming buff because of its video capturing quality and screenshots ability.


daemon tools logo1 7 Recommended Softwares for Gaming Freaks
It works the best in optical media imitation. So, in the case of digitally downloading a game, the gamer can easily use this soft ware to create the setup where you have installed the game after inserting the CD. This works similar to the Virtual Clone Drive but Daemon Tools is more preferred gaming soft ware.


raptr 7 Recommended Softwares for Gaming Freaks
Raptr is an interesting soft ware that acts as a messaging soft ware for gamers. It synchronizes well AIM and MSN, by doing this, it provides with the amazing notifications about your friends’ pick of games and what they are playing.


winrar 7 Recommended Softwares for Gaming Freaks
This soft ware is used mostly to compress the game files and also unzip the packet of game files that have been downloaded. In case of digital downloads, this soft ware comes into play at the count of its big repute.


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