A virus/exploit is spreading around WhatsApp on Android called Priyanka. It changes all your groups names to #Priyanka, and may also change your contact names to Priyanka. The virus is spread manually - you have to accept it to get infected, and it's pretty easy to remove.
How you get infected
You will receive a contact file from a friend, named 'Priyanka' andwhen you install it, your #WhatsApp will be infected. If you receive the contact file but don't accept it, nothing will happen.
How to remove the #Priyanka virus
To get rid of Priyanka, first disconnect from internet and search your contacts for Priyanka and delete If you find any. Then Go to Settings, apps, manage apps and find WhatsApp. Tap 'Force Stop' and then 'Clear Data' Now, the next time you open #WhatsApp you will have to go through the setup process again, but you will be free of the virus. You shouldn't lose conversations,except perhaps very recent ones as #WhatsApp Takes backup of files regularly.
Priyanka is a very simple virus, as it requires users to actively accept it. It's also not very damaging, but proves that WhatsApp could be susceptible to spreading more serious viruses.
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